In the clown work
one’s weaknesses become strengths



Finding one’s inner clown is a voyage to authenticity, to spontaneity, to simplicity, to humor and to joy. It is the discovery of one’s own vulnerability, without the need to hide, discovering there one’s own force, finding a new kind of self-esteem.

Next workshops

Intercultural Clown


07 - 12 May 2025
with Robert McNeer and Mirco Trevisan

Intercultural Clown

19 - 24 October 2025
with Robert McNeer and Rodrigo Morganti


At La Luna clowns with or without experience from all over the world meet and meet again to play, to dance, to laugh, to cry and sing.


A course of 4 week-long sessions over an arc of 2 years for those who have some clown experience, both those who want to clown professionally, as well as those looking for personal enrichment through creative artistic work.


Six days of anti-stress clown impro: dance, excursions to the beach and seaside fish restaurants.

The LUNA nel POZZO: what is and where is

Ostuni, Brindisi, Italy

The Moon in the Well is the space where the Lunar Clowning workshops take place. It is a physical space, of course, and a very beautiful natural space at that, but it is also another kind of space. The Well offers the gift of time, of feedback, of loving reflection.

"I not only grew and changed through the expertise of the course facilitators, but through the collaborative work with the other participants."

Catherine Bryden – Master Clown

We have baptized the clowning we offer here Lunar Clowning, to distinguish it from its forbears, “Nose to Nose”, and before that, “Bataclown”, and before that, the school of Jacques Lecoq.

Community of learners

While born of this rich tradition, Lunar Clowning has a personality all its own, continually fed by the loose-knit community of learners who orbit around la Luna.

A community of learners is a non-hierarchical educational group with flexible roles. More than a “leader,” the group has a learning goal— “clowning,” for instance— which they approach in a group-oriented manner.
Each member of the group shares responsibility for articulating a multidirectional learning process: teacher-learner, learner-teacher, and learner-learner, contributing to a flexible and open-ended process.

I would say that the primary motor of a community of learners is curiosity: a love of learning for its own sake, and a recognition that learning is a life-long process, that we grow only so long as we are learning.

One is never finished learning: when we are no longer curious, we are no longer growing, but only aging.

Write us

Fill out the form, call us or write us an e-mail.
But above all… come and visit us!

(+39) 0831 33 03 53

(+39) 335 80 37 241 - Pia

Contrada Foragno S.N. 72017 Ostuni (BR) Italy